Bible Conference Centre in Busia, East Uganda

Mike DeJonge and John Redekop were able to accompany me to Busia in February 2020. These two brothers wrote the following about their visit: During the weeks of February 5- 17, we were able to meet with responsible national brethren to have an open discussion regarding the construction of the proposed Bible Centre in Busia.  The local brethren displayed a sincere desire and exercise for this work, and we can say with those who built in Nehemiah’s day, “the people had a mind to work”.  We were able to stress with the brethren the importance of being faithful stewards with what the Lord has put in our hands to do, in order to glorify Him in and through it. Much time was spent, through numerous meetings, in reviewing construction details that would both satisfy the structural integrity of the building, but at the same time reduce the costs required to build it.  The first stage of construction is to consist of all foundation work and concrete floor.  A budget for this stage has been prepared, and reviewed and edited several times to minimize costs, yet achieve the required result.  Brethren are actively searching for the supply of building materials that will help achieve this goal. We are also thankful that much of the labor can be supplied by brothers in Christ. This not only encourages brethren in their practical walk and testimony together for a common cause but also helps them support their families at home. We are thankful to the Lord for supplying the necessary funds for this first stage of construction.  The brethren are ready and committed to begin work immediately once the final budget for this first stage has been approved. This is but the first stage.  The work is large. But, the Lord is also doing great work in this country.  There are hunger and freshness for the word, that has a first love characteristic. We were able to experience this first hand on a number of occasions.

13 March 2020